28 September 2012

1st post

Yaaay first blog... I don't really want to break yall in with an opening rant. >.>

Let's try an introduction:
My name's Cortnye, I'm 25 currently. I've always lacked a lot of confidence in everything that I do, even the simplest things like walking in heels... something every woman should be able to do. And when I say I can't do it, it's not that I "don't like to," I literally can't. I will fall, and I will get hurt. And all the way up to larger things like having confidence in myself to pursue my life goals.
There are bad things that happen to me as a child, there have been bad people in my life. I tend to not trust those close to me.
I've grown up in multiple small towns, in the same general area though, in NC. Life in small town Christian politics is always hard for those who don't follow the allotted faith. How exactly I came into my Wiccan faith is a story for another time, if you choose to hear it. That story was something I shared with only the people I thought were my friends, it made it farther than that as friendships fell apart and people felt it unnecessary to keep my secrets anymore.
I married a few years back, that didn't work out, 90% of the time I don't think that I tried hard enough. I understand marriage is a 2 way street, but I'll address this issue more another time also..
I  moved to Washington, probably the best decision I ever made in my life.... followed by the dumbest of moving back to NC. >.<
I guess that is enough for now... perhaps I'll post a more solid thought later today.

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